• ���������ҡ�Facebookѡ����˹��� Ŧ����������
  • ʱ�䣺2012-04-09��Ϣ��Դ��Wall Street Journal�������ձ����壺[����С]�����
  • Facebook Liking Nasdaq Represents Big Blow For NYSE

    ת��Wall Street Journal ԭ�����ӣ�http://cn.wsj.com/gb/20120406/tec093036_ENversion.shtml


    ��Para 1��In the never-ending battle for stock-listing supremacy, Facebook's chose of Nasdaq represents a huge loss for the Big Board operator. ������֤����������λ������ֹ����ս���У�Facebookѡ������˹���(Nasdaq)���ж�ŦԼ֤ȯ������(NYSE,��ƣ�Ŧ����)����Ӫ�̶�����һ���޴����ʧ��

    facebook 1

    ��Para 2��NYSE has spent the last few years beefing up its technology offerings, with the goal of swiping market share from arch rival and tech-heavy Nasdaq. And amid the latest crop of high-profile technology offerings, the strategy has yielded some success.��ȥ���꣬Ŧ����һֱ��Ŭ�����������пƼ���˾���ݣ���Ŀ���Ǵ��ԿƼ���˾Ϊ���ľ�����˹��������ȡ�г��ݶ�����һ��������Ŀ�ĿƼ���˾���а���������һս��ȡ����һЩ�ɹ���

    ��Para 3��Over the last year NYSE has nabbed LinkedIn, Pandora Media and Yelp, with the end goal of attracting the big kahuna, Facebook. ȥ��Ŧ�����ɹ���ȡ����LinkedIn��Pandora Media��Yelp�ȿƼ���˾��������Ŀ��������Facebook��ֻ���㡣

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    ��Para 4��Had NYSE won Facebook, it would've helped swing the pendulum heavily in the Big Board operator's favor in terms of recruiting future listings and potential transfers, analysts say.����ʦ˵������Ŧ�����ɹ���ȡ����Facebook����ô��δ����ȡ��˾���к����й�˾ת��������ϣ�Ŧ������Ӫ�̽�ӵ�м�������ơ�

    ��Para 5��'The bigger story is more of a mournful groan from NYSE on this news,' said Michael Farr, president of portfolio-management firm Farr, Miller & Washington. Ͷ����Ϲ���˾Farr, Miller & Washington�ܲ÷���(Michael Farr)˵�����Ŧ��������һ��Ϣֻ�����ĵذ�̾�ˡ�

    ��Para 6��Meanwhile, Nasdaq gets a chance to add to its treasure chest of tech offerings, which includes Apple, Cisco and Microsoft, among others. ���ͬʱ����˹�����õ�һ���������������пƼ���˾�Ļ��ᣬ�Ѿ�����˹������е���Ҫ�Ƽ���˾����ƻ��(Apple)��˼��(Cisco)��΢��(Microsoft)��

    ��Para 7��Representatives from NYSE and Nasdaq declined to comment. WSJ and other media outlets have reported that Facebook will list its shares at Nasdaq, but the social network hasn't made an official announcement. Ŧ��������˹��˵Ĵ��������������������ձ���������ý���Ѿ�����Facebook������˹�������һ�£����ù�˾��δ��ʽ������һ��Ϣ��

    ��Para 8��When deciding which exchange to list, companies often look at the costs as well as the promotional efforts that will help increase their visibility. That includes events like the NYSE's or Nasdaq's opening and closing bell ceremonies. Exchanges also offer various other services for a variety of needs, such as investor relations. �ھ������ļҽ���������ʱ����ҵ������Ƚ����гɱ��Լ��������ṩ�������������ҵ֪���ȵ��ƹ�����Щ�����Ŧ��������˹����ڿ��̺�����ʱ���е�������ʽ�������������ṩ���������������������й�˾������������Ͷ���߹�ϵ�ȡ�

    ��Para 9��Facebook will join Groupon and Zynga as some of Nasdaq's biggest tech wins over the last year. ��Groupon��Zynga֮��Facebook�ļ��뽫Ϊ��˹�����ȥ��������ȡ���ĿƼ���˾�������а�������Ҫ��һ�ʡ�

    ��Para 10��'This is a strong substantial win for Nasdaq and no doubt a momentum builder for future listings,' said Richard Repetto, an analyst at Sandler O'Neill & Partners. ����Ͷ��Sandler O’Neill & Partners�ķ���ʦ������(Richard Repetto)˵������˹�����˵������һ���ش�ʤ�����������ʣ��ⳡʤ��Ϊ��δ����ȡ������˾�����ṩ�˶�����


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