The International College Holding 2018 Graduation Party

Time:2018-09-27 20:25:23 Clicks:

“Four years in JUFE, eternal feeling of JUFE”. On the evening of May 30, the Graduation Party of the International College of JUFE was held in the Auditorium of Jiaoqiaoyuan North Campus. Dean of the International College of JUFE Yanghui, Secretary of Party Committee Tu Yan, Director of University Students Mental Health and Consultation Center Tang Haiyan, Deputy Dean of the International College Chen Weidong, Deputy Director of Bidding and Purchasing Center Tong Xia, Deputy Director of Alumni Liaison Office Xiao Yong, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of the International College Xia Xianfeng, Associate Researcher Liu Shenhe, class advisers of Grade 2014, staff of the International College, all the graduating students of Grade 2014 and part of the non-graduating class representatives attended the party.

The party consisted of three modules, “memory·sharing your youth”, “encounter·glorious time”, “prospect·promising future”, totaling 17 programs, demonstrating the best wishes to the graduating students.


At the beginning of the party, a film themed by the graduation season brought graduating students back to their campus life, gathering the thick teacher-student friendship. Afterwards,FloribackChorus broughtTaylor Swift Mash-up, immediately lighting the whole atmosphere. A two-man comicThings on Campusdraw an unstopping laugh, filled with happiness. In addition to auditory experience, the solo danceWords of Whalebrought the audiences fantastic visual experience with the graceful posture. Dream of youth, at the height of our youth and vigor.Nice Meeting Youat the most beautiful time. Thank teachers for the company always,make you feel my love. Let the danceTo Youthto lead you to the memories of youth ofFleet of Time. Following were songYouth of Yiyi, dancepick up, guiding the party to a highlight. The musical instrument ensemblebenevolencetook the audiences to appreciate the charm of culture and the beauty of classics. ReadingSailing Internationally, sailing internationally, praising the globe. The chorusnation, showing the patriotic attachment and devotion to one's motherland under the university motto of “Patriotism”.


At the end of the party, the representatives of graduating students sangContentmentandSchool Song of JUFEwith the gratitude for the Alma Mater and the firm towards future, and the party came to an end perfectly under the loud singing.


“Convergence is a ball of fire and divergence is dense stars”. For a long time, the International College adheres to cultivate international talents with the qualities of “integrity, sensitivity, honest and perseverance”, focuses on the immersion education of “morality setting, profound learning, open and patriotism”; numerous JUFE students went to all over the world to demonstrate the power of JUFE International.
