
Luo Miaoyan

Time:2014-11-02 14:40:15 Clicks:

Name: LUO Miaoyan

Class at JUFE: International Accounting

Education Background

2007–2009��The University of Sydney (Australia)

  • Master of Professional Accounting and Master of Commerce (Majoring in Finance)

2002–2006��Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

  • Bachelor of Management (Majoring in International Accounting)


2009.Oct - Present��Lenovo Beijing Ltd, Manager

2009.May - 2009.Jul��Claude Group Pty Ltd (Australia), Accounts Administrator

Study and Work Reflections

When I studied in Sydney, I completed double master degree in two years and became an ACCA student for further development. After three months’ working experience in a well-known advertising company of Sydney, I came back to China and joined in Lenovo. Now I’m working as a finance manager there and taking care of expense management of Asia pacific. I’ll do budget, expense forecast, actual tracking etc. and review it with CFO.

