
Jiao Shi

Time:2014-09-06 10:33:04 Clicks:

Name: Jiao Shi

Class at JUFE: 2004 International Finance 01

Education Background

JUFE: International Finance 2004-2008

McMaster University: MBA 2011-2013


Full-time employment

-2009-2011,Société Générale(China) Limited, Beijing, Wealth Management & Customer Administration

-2008-2009, Société Générale Consumer Finance, Beijing, Marketing Analyst

MBA Internships

-May 2013 – August 2013, FedEx Express Canada, Mississauga, Marketing Specialist

-September 2012 – December 2012, ING Direct Canada, Toronto, Competitive Intelligence Specialist

-January 2012 – April 2012, FedEx Express Canada, Mississauga, Marketing Specialist

Awards and Honors

International Student Ambassador at DeGroote School of Business

Study and Work Reflections

After graduated from JUFE, I worked for Société Générale for 3 years in Beijing in the fields of marketing and operations. Later on, I decided to chase my dream to study abroad for an MBA degree. Being accepted by the Co-op MBA program at McMaster University DeGroote School of Business, I moved to Canada for the life-time opportunity of a change. Instead of choosing Finance or Accounting as my specialization in the MBA program, I specialized in Strategic Marketing which is a way less traveled by international students because of the higher requirement of communications. It was definitely a challenge for me at the beginning, but things worked out well after hard works and I successfully got the offers from the marketing team of FedEx and ING Direct for the MBA internships. Meanwhile, as the international student ambassador at DeGroote School of Business, I gave speeches to the new-coming international students during their transition weeks to help them better prepare for the program and adapt the new life in Canada.

