
Chen Cao

Time:2014-09-01 10:28:09 Clicks:

Name:Cao Chen (Ciara)

Class at JUFE:International Accounting 083

Education Background

Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park,MD United States

Master of Science in Business: Accounting


Fall 2014, Ernst & Young (National Headquarters, New York, United States), Audit Staff

Awards and Honors

Robert H. Smith Honors for Outstanding Academic Achievement in Fall 2012

Study and Work Reflections

The study in JUFE solidified my basic accounting knowledge while the study in University of Maryland improved my business skills. With culture shocks, I enjoyed fresh experiences, learned to understand different individuals and to respect various values. It is hard to balance life, study and work, but every harsh experience witnessmy personal growth. When I felt tired, friends told me that you are feeling tired because you are on the way up. After getting my favorite job offer, I told myself that I am a lucky person. But I also believe, the harder you work, the luckier you get.

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