
Luyu Yang

Time:2014-07-26 10:26:14 Clicks:


Name:Luyu Yang

Class at JUFE:06 International Accounting 5

Education Background

2010/07 --2011/08

The University of New South Wales | Master of Professional Accounting


2011/09 -- now

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP | Senior Auditor

Study and Work Reflections

Study in Sydney was an experience to broaden my vision and improve personal abilities. There were various projects helping us to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice, and improve the skills to collect useful information. At the same time, I got the opportunity to make friends with people from different countries, and learn their culture and customs.

After graduation, I joined Deloitte as an auditor. The high-intensity work and various cases strengthened my theoretical knowledge and professional skills, improved my learning ability, and practiced my team cooperation spirit. It is a valuable work experience that will have great help on my future career.
