
Liu Liying

Time:2014-07-12 10:20:12 Clicks:

Name:Liu Liying

Class at JUFE: 05 International Business

Education Background

BSc International Business(Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics)

MSc International Business(The University of Sydney)


China Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch(Asset monitoring department)

Study and Work Reflections

Developed abundant knowledge about internationalbusiness, cultivated acute business sense to do decision, generated a high degree of conscience and sensitivity to company’s strategic issues under the global background.

2 year’s Aussie business and management related studying experiences, gained good interpersonal and public relation skills, promoted high adaptability to changes and challenge.

First-rate team work skills gained from doing business simulations and case studies in groups with people from different countries and background, established understanding between cultures,was able to grow a better sense of team work and determination in consulting. And made a full use of own knowledge in practice.

